Is there a pastafarian bible
Is there a pastafarian bible

The testimony of reliable witnesses-particularly Jesus, but also Moses, Joshua, David, Daniel, and Nehemiah in the Old Testament, and John and Paul in the New Testament-affirms the authority and verbal inspiration of the Holy Scriptures. The Bible’s claims of being from God should not be understood as circular reasoning. All the while that science declared the earth to be flat, the Bible stated that God “sits on the circle of the earth.” In the past, every time the Bible contradicted a current “scientific” theory, the Bible was proven later to be true and the scientific theory wrong. Proving it to be untrue is another matter. It is easy to say that Scripture is untrue. Though many unbelievers throughout history have tried to find archaeological evidence to disprove what is recorded in the Bible, they have failed. This information could have easily been omitted from Scripture, but the God of truth included it.Ĥ) Archaeological findings support the history recorded in Scripture. Yet, David committed adultery (2 Samuel 11:1-5) and murder (2 Samuel 11:14-26). One example is David, who is described as “a man after God’s own heart” (1 Samuel 13:14). What made the heroes of the Bible great was that they trusted in God. Reading the Bible, one realizes that the people it describes have problems and do wrong just as we do. It does not glorify men as other religions do their heroes. The Qur’an had unity forced upon it by human editors.ģ) The Bible presents its heroes truthfully with all of their faults and weaknesses. The Bible was unified from the time of its writing. 650, a group of Arab scholars produced a unified version and destroyed all variant copies to preserve the unity of the Qur’an. It was compiled by one individual, Zaid bin Thabit, under the guidance of Mohammed’s father-in-law, Abu-Bekr. There is no way, apart from God the Holy Spirit supervising the writing of the Bible, that this could have been accomplished.Ĭontrast this with the Islamic Qur’an. Yet, the great themes of Scripture are maintained in all the writings. It was written on 3 different continents, Europe, Asia, and Africa. The Bible was also written under a variety of circumstances. Moses, was a political leader Joshua, a military leader David, a shepherd Solomon, a king Amos, a herdsman and fruit picker Daniel, a prime minister Matthew, a tax collector Luke, a medical doctor Paul, a rabbi and Peter, a fisherman among others. The Bible was written by approximately 40 human authors over a period of approximately 1,600 years. These were not written after the fact but beforehand.Ģ) The unity of Scripture. There is no doubt that these are prophecies from God because of manuscripts dated from before the birth of Christ. For example, the Old Testament contains more than 300 prophecies concerning Jesus Christ’s first coming. God spoke to men telling them of things He would bring about in the future. Pastafarians are everywhere, sticking icons of the FSM on the backs of their cars and insisting on wearing pasta strainers on their heads (per their religious beliefs) while being photographed for their driver's licenses.Here are some evidences that the Bible is inspired (God-breathed), as declared in 2 Timothy 3:16:ġ) Fulfilled prophecy. The Church of the Flying Spaghetti monster, 10 years later, remains a cultural icon and internet phenomenon. The Gospel discusses creation at length, but also launches into humorous and convincing descriptions of the Pastafarian Heaven and Hell (hint: both involve strippers), as well as a discussion of the hidden histories of the faith (Pirates!) and its holidays. The reason why the Earth is so flawed, Henderson argues, is that the Flying Spaghetti Monster (FSM) had created it while heavily intoxicated. The Gospel posits that the universe was created by a gigantic, sentient, flying tangle of spaghetti and meatballs. In 2005, founder Bobby Henderson first conceived of the religion while writing a letter of protest to the Kansas State Board of Education over their decision to permit the teaching of intelligent design as an alternative theory to evolution.Ī year later, Henderson published The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, the official holy text of his "Pastafarian" religion. This tongue-in-cheek tome has become firmly embedded in popular culture.

Is there a pastafarian bible